RX7/LS1 Videos:

for best results, "right click and save target as "

Autocross from 3/25 at Giants Stadium

drag racing at atco - 10/23/06, 11.0 at 125 on ET Streets

autocross - sept 8 2006 at giants stadium

autocross - july 28 2006 at giants stadium

autocross "in car video" of my car - may 28 2006

autocross external vid of my car - may 28 2006

autocross another external vid of my car - may 28 2006

Drag Racing - lots of axle hop - nov 13 2005

Autocross - dyno and corner weighing - oct 29 2005

Pocono Road Course with PDA on 8/19/05 and 8/20/05 (Frantic by Metalica)

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Firebird Videos:

These videos are big, so you should right-click and "Save Target As":

Pocono's East Course with PDA on 4/22/05 (Push It by Static X)

Lime Rock with PDA on 4/8/05 (Schism by TOOL)

Pocono's East Course with EMRA on 8/10/04 (Big Truck by Coal Chamber)

Pocono's North Course with CVCC on 4/24/04 & 4/25/04 (Just Another Victim by Helmet and House of Pain)

Drag racing, autocrossing and Pocono North (Punishment by Biohazard)


Early videos with little or no sound. Not digital; converted from analog:

13 seconds long. started in second gear. no spin. 2mch doesn't have enough. 2mch misses fourth gear (if you can't find it, grind it).

17 seconds long.race is started in third gear and goes all the way to the top of 4th gear (115 mph at least).

Toms car doing that autocross thang at Giants' Stadium!